Words to Live By

Recently I've felt pretty disconnected with my whole life. Everything is really stressing me out. Being on competition team for drill is great, but it's a little too much. I have practice every day after school and they are rough practices. Sometimes I have no idea what's going on and with coaches always critiquing it's hard to improve. Then school, which is going decently I have finals coming up. I'm a little nervous that I won't have time to study because of drill. It's so difficult to keep my life rolling with all of these different commitments. Not to mention the weekend before finals is my busiest weekend yet. I have two concerts, a youth group meeting and a drill competition. It's hard to stay focused with so much going on, but pinning endless quotes on Pinterest has helped me to stay inspired and strong through the rough patch knowing that Winter Break is in the near future. These are some quotes that have helped me through these busy and hectic days, along with some of my other favorites that I've pinned.

XOXO, Kate

1 comment :

  1. I feel you! Stay strong! And Pintrest is a really great pick me up for quotes!



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