Fitness Funk

I'm in a bit of a "fitness funk". Drill season is still going on, but after practice I don't feel like I got a good workout in. So I always say to myself that I'll go to the gym over the weekend. Yet, I never seem to get there. I'd rather take a workout class just because it keeps me motivated, but I haven't figured out which classes to take yet. Definitely give me suggestions of what workout things you like to do!

I also have been revisiting my Pinterest board Get Fit for inspiration on workouts. I think that my main issue is that I eat super unhealthy. Like it's actually so bad, but I almost have no self control. I think this needs to change, but gradually. It's definitely super hard to just cut out everything bad for you in your life, but if you do it little by little it pays off. 

For me, I'm just trying to hit the gym more often even if it's just for a little bit of time over the weekends. I have practice every day so it's not like I get no workout, but I'm just never satisfied with that workout. But, here's a picture that gives me inspiration that keeps me motivated.

What does your fitness routine consist of?


1 comment :

  1. Although your body needs carbohydrates as a fuel source, not all carbs are created equal. Sugars may taste good, but they’re not good for your body. They mess with your blood sugar and insulin levels, promote fat storage, and are consistently being linked to cancer development. If you’ve fallen into the habit of having something sweet with every meal, make the effort to gradually reprogram yourself. Rafid Hasan


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